aiocoap.error module

Common errors for the aiocoap library

exception aiocoap.error.Error

Bases: Exception

Base exception for all exceptions that indicate a failed request

exception aiocoap.error.RenderableError

Bases: Error

Exception that can meaningfully be represented in a CoAP response

abstract to_message()

Create a CoAP message that should be sent when this exception is rendered

exception aiocoap.error.ResponseWrappingError(coapmessage)

Bases: Error

An exception that is raised due to an unsuccessful but received response.

A better relationship with should be worked out to do except UnsupportedMediaType (similar to the various OSError subclasses).

exception aiocoap.error.ConstructionRenderableError(message=None)

Bases: RenderableError

RenderableError that is constructed from class attributes code and message (where the can be overridden in the constructor).


Create a CoAP message that should be sent when this exception is rendered

code = 160

Code assigned to messages built from it

message = ''

Text sent in the built message’s payload

exception aiocoap.error.BadRequest(message=None)

Bases: ConstructionRenderableError

code = 128

Code assigned to messages built from it

exception aiocoap.error.Unauthorized(message=None)

Bases: ConstructionRenderableError

code = 129

Code assigned to messages built from it

exception aiocoap.error.BadOption(message=None)

Bases: ConstructionRenderableError

code = 130

Code assigned to messages built from it

exception aiocoap.error.Forbidden(message=None)

Bases: ConstructionRenderableError

code = 131

Code assigned to messages built from it

exception aiocoap.error.NotFound(message=None)

Bases: ConstructionRenderableError

code = 132

Code assigned to messages built from it

exception aiocoap.error.MethodNotAllowed(message=None)

Bases: ConstructionRenderableError

code = 133

Code assigned to messages built from it

exception aiocoap.error.NotAcceptable(message=None)

Bases: ConstructionRenderableError

code = 134

Code assigned to messages built from it

exception aiocoap.error.RequestEntityIncomplete(message=None)

Bases: ConstructionRenderableError

code = 136

Code assigned to messages built from it

exception aiocoap.error.Conflict(message=None)

Bases: ConstructionRenderableError

code = 137

Code assigned to messages built from it

exception aiocoap.error.PreconditionFailed(message=None)

Bases: ConstructionRenderableError

code = 140

Code assigned to messages built from it

exception aiocoap.error.RequestEntityTooLarge(message=None)

Bases: ConstructionRenderableError

code = 141

Code assigned to messages built from it

exception aiocoap.error.UnsupportedContentFormat(message=None)

Bases: ConstructionRenderableError

code = 143

Code assigned to messages built from it

exception aiocoap.error.UnprocessableEntity(message=None)

Bases: ConstructionRenderableError

code = 150

Code assigned to messages built from it

exception aiocoap.error.TooManyRequests(message=None)

Bases: ConstructionRenderableError

code = 157

Code assigned to messages built from it

exception aiocoap.error.InternalServerError(message=None)

Bases: ConstructionRenderableError

code = 160

Code assigned to messages built from it

exception aiocoap.error.NotImplemented(message=None)

Bases: ConstructionRenderableError

code = 161

Code assigned to messages built from it

exception aiocoap.error.BadGateway(message=None)

Bases: ConstructionRenderableError

code = 162

Code assigned to messages built from it

exception aiocoap.error.ServiceUnavailable(message=None)

Bases: ConstructionRenderableError

code = 163

Code assigned to messages built from it

exception aiocoap.error.GatewayTimeout(message=None)

Bases: ConstructionRenderableError

code = 164

Code assigned to messages built from it

exception aiocoap.error.ProxyingNotSupported(message=None)

Bases: ConstructionRenderableError

code = 165

Code assigned to messages built from it

exception aiocoap.error.HopLimitReached(message=None)

Bases: ConstructionRenderableError

code = 168

Code assigned to messages built from it

exception aiocoap.error.NoResource

Bases: NotFound

Raised when resource is not found.

message = 'Error: Resource not found!'

Text sent in the built message’s payload

exception aiocoap.error.UnallowedMethod(message=None)

Bases: MethodNotAllowed

Raised by a resource when request method is understood by the server but not allowed for that particular resource.

message = 'Error: Method not allowed!'

Text sent in the built message’s payload

exception aiocoap.error.UnsupportedMethod(message=None)

Bases: MethodNotAllowed

Raised when request method is not understood by the server at all.

message = 'Error: Method not recognized!'

Text sent in the built message’s payload

exception aiocoap.error.NetworkError

Bases: Error

Base class for all “something went wrong with name resolution, sending or receiving packages”.

Errors of these kinds are raised towards client callers when things went wrong network-side, or at context creation. They are often raised from socket.gaierror or similar classes, but these are wrapped in order to make catching them possible independently of the underlying transport.


Information printed at aiocoap-client or similar occasions when the error message itself may be insufficient to point the user in the right direction

exception aiocoap.error.ResolutionError

Bases: NetworkError

Resolving the host component of a URI to a usable transport address was not possible

exception aiocoap.error.MessageError

Bases: NetworkError

Received an error from the remote on the CoAP message level (typically a RST)

exception aiocoap.error.RemoteServerShutdown

Bases: NetworkError

The peer a request was sent to in a stateful connection closed the connection around the time the request was sent

exception aiocoap.error.TimeoutError

Bases: NetworkError

Base for all timeout-ish errors.

Like NetworkError, receiving this alone does not indicate whether the request may have reached the server or not.


Information printed at aiocoap-client or similar occasions when the error message itself may be insufficient to point the user in the right direction

exception aiocoap.error.ConRetransmitsExceeded

Bases: TimeoutError

A transport that retransmits CON messages has failed to obtain a response within its retransmission timeout.

When this is raised in a transport, requests failing with it may or may have been received by the server.

exception aiocoap.error.RequestTimedOut

Bases: TimeoutError

Raised when request is timed out.

This error is currently not produced by aiocoap; it is deprecated. Users can now catch error.TimeoutError, or newer more detailed subtypes introduced later.

exception aiocoap.error.WaitingForClientTimedOut

Bases: TimeoutError

Raised when server expects some client action:

  • sending next PUT/POST request with block1 or block2 option

  • sending next GET request with block2 option

but client does nothing.

This error is currently not produced by aiocoap; it is deprecated. Users can now catch error.TimeoutError, or newer more detailed subtypes introduced later.

exception aiocoap.error.ResourceChanged

Bases: Error

The requested resource was modified during the request and could therefore not be received in a consistent state.

exception aiocoap.error.UnexpectedBlock1Option

Bases: Error

Raised when a server responds with block1 options that just don’t match.

exception aiocoap.error.UnexpectedBlock2

Bases: Error

Raised when a server responds with another block2 than expected.

exception aiocoap.error.MissingBlock2Option

Bases: Error

Raised when response with Block2 option is expected (previous response had Block2 option with More flag set), but response without Block2 option is received.

exception aiocoap.error.NotObservable

Bases: Error

The server did not accept the request to observe the resource.

exception aiocoap.error.ObservationCancelled

Bases: Error

The server claimed that it will no longer sustain the observation.

exception aiocoap.error.UnparsableMessage

Bases: Error

An incoming message does not look like CoAP.

Note that this happens rarely – the requirements are just two bit at the beginning of the message, and a minimum length.

exception aiocoap.error.LibraryShutdown

Bases: Error

The library or a transport registered with it was requested to shut down; this error is raised in all outstanding requests.

exception aiocoap.error.AnonymousHost

Bases: Error

This is raised when it is attempted to express as a reference a (base) URI of a host or a resource that can not be reached by any process other than this.

Typically, this happens when trying to serialize a link to a resource that is hosted on a CoAP-over-TCP or -WebSockets client: Such resources can be accessed for as long as the connection is active, but can not be used any more once it is closed or even by another system.